yuuvis® Q&A

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in yuuvis Momentum by (180 points)

Hi Yuuvis Team

Where can I find the documentation for your archive-service? How is the interaction between the archive-service, document-retention and repository-service (repoId).

Is there any automation for archiving documents if a specific flag or date is set?
Is this supported in the reference client?
I found Document Retention - yuuvis® Momentum - Freedom To Innovate (optimal-systems.com) but for me is not clear who sets these properties.


1 Answer

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by (3.0k points)

Hi Stefano,

Thank you very much for your question! We recently published two documentation articles:

I hope you find them helpful!
Best regards,
by (180 points)
Hi Antje

We are back to the topic archive. With the two documentations provided from you we were able to configure archive storage in the application-storage.yaml. But as before, it is not clear to us how the archive-service, repository and document-retention interact. We will have at least two s3 (Azure WORM Blob) storages. For this we created two archive profiles in application-storage.yaml. We are now able to move the documents to this archive-storage without archive-service.
So what is the archive-serivce needed for?
When and how is the archive-serivce used? (We cannot find any archive endpoint)
Is the sot document-retention only a ref-client functionality?

Can you provide us more detailed information about this topic?

by (3.0k points)
Hi Stefano,

The REPOSITORY service is responsible for the storage management of binary content files. For this purpose, an S3 store is the standard archive solution.
Alternatively or additionally, many external archive providers are supported to be connected via the ARCHIVE Service. The ARCHIVE service is responsable for the connection between the external storage provider and yuuvis® Momentum. There is no need for public endpoints as the ARCHIVE service is called internally by the REPOSITORY service.

Retentions are managed by the core system via the SOT 'system:rmDestructionRetention' as described here: https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvis_develop/display/YMY/Binary+Content+Files#BinaryContentFiles-Retention

The reference client does not allow to specify retentions so far.

Best regards,
by (180 points)
Hi Antje

Thanks for your response.
Then maybe the naming Archive-Service is confusing, because it has nothing to do with "archive"-functionallity is only an external-repository-service?

As I understend it setting the retention has to be done manually via API?

by (3.0k points)
Hi Stefano,

The name 'ARCHIVE' service indicates the possibility to connect external long-term archives.

To set a retention, you currently have the following options:
- Specify the retention via the SOT 'system:rmDestructionRetention' for each individual object in the import request body.
- Use webhooks to add the retention via the SOT 'system:rmDestructionRetention' to import request bodies. You can define conditions to achieve a project-specific solution.
- If your storage is connected via the ARCHIVE service: Define 'defaultRetentionInDays' in the archive profile. This value will be applied to all imported objects not having the SOT 'system:rmDestructionRetention' at all.

Best regards,