yuuvis® Q&A

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in yuuvis Momentum by (470 points)

With the endpoint POST /api/dms/objects one or multiple documents can be created in yuuvis.

My question is what happens, when multiple objects are created and one or more objects fail to be generated (i.e. DB issues, time outs or similar). What is returned in this case?

P.S.: When some malformed information is in the metadata of the json, i.e. a wrong date format, nothing is created in yuuvis what makes sense and an error witht the code 422 is returned in this case.

Thanks and regards, Mathias

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (3.0k points)
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Best answer

Hi Mathias,

Thank you very much for this question! As you said, the whole request fails if even one object could not be imported. The information is now added to the documentation.
>> Documentation POST /api/dms/objects

Best regards,
