yuuvis® Q&A

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in yuuvis Momentum by (2.4k points)

Hi Yuuvis Team

Will there be more Hooks in the future? For example to get notified when a document is updated or deleted?

Kind regards

P.S. I think the link has now moved to https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvis_develop/display/YMY/System+Hooks

related to an answer for: Is there an overview of SystemHook types?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1.5k points)
selected by
Best answer

Good morning Nicole,
just for your information - you'll find further details for the new version 2.3 now online ...

Cheers, Inga

by (2.4k points)
Hi Inga

May I ask what happened to the Interceptors and their documentation? The link on the start page cannot be accessed by the public.

Kind regards
by (3.0k points)
Hi Nicole,

The interceptors are back in the documentation with a new concept page. A Tutorial will be available next week.

Kind regards
0 votes
by (1.4k points)
Hello, Nicole,

version 2.3 will contain the WebHooks you want.
If you need any help with this before, please contact us directly.

With kind regards