yuuvis® Q&A

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in yuuvis Momentum by (2.4k points)

Hi Yuuvis Team

I am a bit confused about how to use the context folders.

1. In the Release notes I can find the following sentences:

  • Folder and parent Id are available within search queries
  • metadata of a folder will not be transferred to child objects, therefore these metadata are not queriable

But in the documentation, it says fields are queryable https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvis_develop/display/YMY/CMIS-Based+Query+Language#CMIS-BasedQueryLanguage-QueriesonInheritedPropertiesElementsofContextFolders

2. Is it possible to upload a context folder and it's items in the same request? Or does the folder always need to be created first so the ObjectId is generated?

Kind regards

1 Answer

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by (1.5k points)
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Best answer

Hey Nicole,

I just double checked your questions. In general we do provide folders and the once existing idea of "context folders" has not been implemented. So the documentation was at this place not correct. It has been updated accordingly and the heading "Queries on inherited properties ..." has been removed. Sorry for the confusion.

Regarding your second question - yes, a folder needs to be created first before
you can actually reference it using the ID. It is not possible to do it in one go.

So I hope this answers all your questions.
Have a great weekend, Cheers Inga
