yuuvis® Q&A

+1 vote
in yuuvis Momentum by (2.4k points)
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Hi yuuvis team

We would like to use the yuv-form-input control in our custom client, but position the label at the top or left of the control. Is this possible somehow?

Update: We are currently positioning form inputs next to each. Having the description on the right instead of top or left is very confusing for the user (and space consuming) in this case.

Kind regards

3 Answers

0 votes
by (3.7k points)
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Best answer
Hi Nicole,

beside a feeling, what is your reason to position the labels in a different way than it is?
Just to understand your needs ...

Best Regards,
by (2.4k points)
Hi Martin

I have updated the question with the current example.

Kind regards
by (3.7k points)
Hi Nocole,

thx for the explanation :-)

Andreas gave me this dirty hack for you:

Copy the following lines into theme.css and the labels are on the left hand side:
.yuv-form-input .fe-wrapper {
  flex-flow: row-reverse;
.yuv-form-input .fe-wrapper>div.control {
  display: grid;

We will sort out how we can support you here in a better manner.

Best Regards,
0 votes
by (210 points)
Hi yuuvis team

In addition to Nicoles question: It would also be great to place it at the bottom (under the line).

Best regards,
+2 votes
by (3.7k points)
We accepted this question as Change Request and we will offer an extension of our framework library so that you can control the position of the field labels. The ticket number is COOL-14598, delivered with 2021 Summer RC2 in 3 weeks latest.