yuuvis® Q&A

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in yuuvis Momentum by (2.4k points)

Hi Yuuvis team

We would like to compare two properties of an object during using a search query. For example I would like to find all documents where one tag is older than another so I know a process needs to be triggered again. This currently always throws an error.

SELECT * FROM system:object WHERE system:tags[statistic] = 0 AND system:tags[process].state=11 OR system:tags[process].creationDate < system:tags[statistic].creationDate

    "service": "search",
    "httpErrorCode": 422,
    "errorMessage": "statement error near: [1,134] input[SELECT * FROM system:object WHERE system:tags[statistic] = 0 AND system:tags[process].state=11 OR system:tags[process].creationDate < s]",
    "messageHistory": "\nMessage History\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRouteId              ProcessorId          Processor                                                                        Elapsed (ms)\n[dslQueryRoute     ] [dslQueryRoute     ] [direct://dslQuery                                                             ] [         2]\n[dslQueryRoute     ] [log1              ] [log                                                                           ] [         0]\n[dslQueryRoute     ] [interpret dsl     ] [bean[ref:dslInterpreterProcessor method:interpretDslNormalRoute]              ] [         0]\n[dslQueryRoute     ] [interpret count ds] [bean[ref:dslMetricProcessor method:countDslNormalRoute]                       ] [         0]\n[dslQueryRoute     ] [choice2           ] [when[simple{${header.enrichAuthorities} == 'false'}]choice[when[simple{${heade] [         1]\n[dslQueryRoute     ] [log2              ] [log                                                                           ] [         0]\n[dslQueryRoute     ] [to1               ] [direct:dslQueryWithoutAuthorities                                             ] [         1]\n[dslQueryRouteWitho] [log4              ] [log                                                                           ] [         0]\n[dslQueryRouteWitho] [interpret dsl with] [bean[ref:dslInterpreterProcessor method:interpretDslNormalRoute]              ] [         0]\n",
Using a system value such as YESTERDAY() works:
SELECT * FROM system:object WHERE system:tags[statistic] = 0 AND system:tags[process].state=11 OR system:tags[process].creationDate < YESTERDAY()
How can we achieve something like this?
We would like to use the POST /api/dms/objects/tags/{name}/state/{state}?query=<SQL> endpoint for this, to ensure atomicity / thread safety.
Kind regards

1 Answer

0 votes
by (1.4k points)
Hello Nikole,

We do not currently support this feature. We will check to what extent we can make it available and then get back to you.
